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Dramatic Conversations from The English Gym
Book 2

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Dramatic Conversations from The English Gym – Book 2

by Jon Charles

A collection of short dialogues from The English Gym II textbook.
Topics include sharing an apartment, marrying a foreigner, making a bucket list, having trouble on vacation, getting a driving license, living as a shut-in, and living with robots.​


2,587 words, CEFR B2, Audio (17:49) minutes

This book is also available on Xreading.​

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Click on the player to listen to the audio book.

Flip Book Pages

p 1-3 Introduction

p 4-6 Story 08: Sharing an Apartment (2:47)
p 7-10 Story 09: Marrying a Foreigner (3:05)
p 11-13 Story 10: The Bucket List (2:36)
p 14-17 Story 11: Trouble on Vacation (2:23)
p 18-20 Story 12: Driving (2:19)
p 21-23 Story 13: The Story of the Shut-In (2:30)
p 24-26 Story 14: Robots (2:09)

Click below to view the flip book in fullscreen mode.​​

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Discussion Questions

Story 08: Sharing an Apartment (2:47)

Before reading: Would you like to share a home with a friend someday?

After reading: What was Paul eating when Joe came home?


Story 09: Marrying a Foreigner (3:05)

Before reading: What are some of the difficulties of international marriages?

After reading: At the end of the story, who will the father meet for the first time?


Story 10: The Bucket List (2:36)

Before reading: Where would you like to visit outside of Japan?

After reading: What did Sora do in Thailand?


Story 11: Trouble on Vacation (2:23)

Before reading: Do you prefer to travel with your family, with your friends, or by yourself?

After reading: What happens to Kairi at the cafe?


Story 12: Driving (2:19)

Before reading: Do you prefer to travel by train, plane, or car?

After reading: Where was Kim driving her friend to?


Story 13: The Story of the Shut-In (2:30)

Before reading: What things do you like to do with your friends?

After reading: At the end of the story, what will Paul and Gary do next?


Story 14: Robots (2:09)

Before reading: If you could invent a robot, what would it do?

After reading: What does Sarah think of robots?


TK: Tokyo Women’s Medical University (Tokyo, Japan)
Review: I read these stories for the first time. They were very funny. There were also some words and meanings that I did not know, but I could understand them.

AK: Kawagoe Minami High School (Saitama, Japan)Review: It was easy to understand how to use new words thanks to the stories. I was interested in reading them.

NM: Miyazaki Municipal University (Miyazaki Prefecture, Japan)
Review: We can learn a lot of slang, so I like this series!!

ST: Komazawa University (Tokyo, Japan)

Review: These stories were interesting, and I learned casual English phrases. I want to read more from this series.

M: Kindai University (Osaka, Japan)
Review: The story about the share house was the most interesting.

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