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Dramatic Conversations from The English Gym
Book 3

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Dramatic Conversations from The English Gym – Book 3

by Jon Charles

A collection of short dialogues from The English Gym II textbook

(plus one BONUS story).
Topics include single or married life, otaku life, earthquakes, Japan's declining population, volunteerism, New Year's resolutions, and hiking.


2,790 words, CEFR B2, Audio (19:46) minutes

This book is also available on Xreading.

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Click on the player to listen to the audio book.

Flip Book Pages

p 1-3 Introduction

p 4-6 Story 15: Single or Married? (2:51)
p 7-10 Story 16: Otaku Life (2:49)
p 11-13 Story 17: Earthquake (2:11)
p 14-16 Story 18: Japan’s Declining Population (2:27)
p 17-19 Story 19: The Volunteers (2:26)
p 20-23 Story 20: New Year’s Resolutions (2:55)
p 24-27 Story 21: The Hike (Bonus Story) (4:07)

Click below to view the flip book in fullscreen mode.​​

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Discussion Questions

Story 15: Single or Married? (2:51)

Before reading: Do you think it is better to get married or stay single?

After reading: What problem does George have?

Story 16: Otaku Life (2:49)

Before reading:  Do you have a favorite anime or manga?

After reading: What is Takuya planning to do in Tokyo?

Story 17: Earthquake (2:11)

Before reading: What would you do if a big earthquake happened right now?

After reading: What did Maria forget in the library?


Story 18: Japan’s Declining Population (2:27)

Before reading:  Japan's population is getting smaller every year. Do you think this will cause problems for the economy?

After reading: How many children does the woman want to have?

Story 19: The Volunteers (2:26)

Before reading: What are some of the benefits of doing volunteer work?

After reading: Where will Kevin go for the spring break?


Story 20: New Year’s Resolutions (2:55)

Before reading: What do you usually do for New Year's Eve?

After reading: What happens to Chie at the party?

Story 21: The Hike (Bonus Story) (4:07)

Before reading: Do you enjoy climbing mountains?

After reading: What was at the top of the mountain?


AK: Kawagoe Minami High School (Saitama, Japan)

Review: I can easily understand how to use communication sentences. I got their feelings because I heard the sound. It is very good!

KM: Miyagi Gakuin University (Miyagi, Japan)
Review: とても面白かった。

愛瓜: Tokyo Women’s Medical University (Tokyo, Japan)
Review: These bold letters are important words, and I understood these meanings. This story is readable.

U: Kindai University (Osaka, Japan)
Review: The story was interesting and helped me learn English.

RA: Miyagi University (Miyagi, Japan)
Review: 今まで読んできた話の中で一番面白くて読みやすかった。

ST: Komazawa University (Tokyo, Japan)
Review: It was good, as usual. Easy to understand, and you can build up your vocabulary.

Y: Fukuoka Women's University (Fukuoka, Japan)
Review: Good book to learn English conversation and vocabulary.

K: Fukuoka Women's University (Fukuoka, Japan)
Review: The story about the declining Japanese population is interesting. I hope the couple will make a nice decision.

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