Check out these videos.
They will give you a lot of good advice on presentations.
You can change the speed of some videos here. I recommend 0.75 so it is easier to listen to.
Click on CC to see the words.
These are Arnold Schwarzenegger's 5 Rules for Success
Time: 7 minutes
Good Presentation VS Bad Presentation
Time: 5 minutes
8 Traits of Successful People
Time: 7 minutes
How to Start Your Presentation: 4 Step Formula for a Killer Intro
Time: 4 minutes
The 3 Magic Ingredients of Amazing Presentations
Time: 14 minutes
The magical science of storytelling | David JP Phillips | TEDxStockholm
Time: 17 minutes
6 Public Speaking Tips To Hook Any Audience
Time: 9 minutes
Three Principles of Business Storytelling
Time: 3 minutes
【GROUP】The 2nd All Japan Student English Presentation Contest
Time: 18 minutes
The 4th All Japan Student English Presentation Contest
Time: 13 minutes
The 5th All Japan Student English Presentation Contest
Time: 17 minutes
10 Powerful PowerPoint Tips
Time: 7 minutes