Oak Hills Press
Oak Hills Press is the publisher for The English Gym Series, by Jon Charles.
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Publisher Contact Information
Jon Charles ジョン・チャールズ
発行者/Sales Contact:
発行所/ Publisher:
オーク ヒルズ プレス
〒 639-0256
Oak Hills Press
Takayamadai 3-8-13,
Kashiba-shi, Nara
639-0256 Japan

The English Gym I with Digital Workbook
ISBN 978-4-9909741-5-2
コード/Code: C3082
3,180 yen + tax
NEW edition for 2024

The English Gym II with Digital Workbook
ISBN 978-4-9909741-3-8
コード/Code: C3082
3,180 yen + tax

The English Gym with Digital Workbook
ISBN 978-4-9909741-4-5
コード/Code: C3082
3,180 yen + tax
OLD edition (contact us for availability)